Sunday, March 11, 2007

Brazil 07 - Friday and Sunday

Friday, 9 March 2007
I am going to talk about some of these things in detail in an email to my family, Today Corey is in Sao Paulo to teach the GMAT class tonight. I was able to do laundry at Ana and Flavio's house while she was at a doctor appointment, Hyrum seems to have overcome some of his fear of dogs today as he took great strides and played with their little puppy Snoopy. However, our constant presence brought their Brazilian maid Vanessa to tears. It was totally unintentional, but I felt bad. Wes has two mosquito bites on his eye lids - looks like he's wearing pink eyeshadow. Sueli came by to show the house to a prospective buyer, she told me everything was beautiful, I thought at first she was talking about her house she's trying to sell but she was actually talking about my cute and beautiful children. The kids went swimming tonight and had a picnic by the pool, we spent time tonight before bed showed family pictures on my computer, it reminded me of the slide shows Dad did when we were little.

Sunday, 11 March 2007
Church was nice today. I still don't understand too much. The kids were outside here at home after church and Hyrum got attacked by the fire ants - the same kind of ants that bit Wesley's hand our first week here. Hy got quite the constellation of little bumps on his right shin at first, they looked better today, they didn't turn into pimple looking things like Wesley's. If they had, I would have made him wear pants and socks and shoes for a while, to protect him better, but mostly so people won't see all the bites and then start offering their 2cents.