Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Brazil '07 - Fall in Brazil

Monday, 9 May 2007

Hey hey hey - Well, "fall is in the air" I guess... I think winter is like fall too here in the tropical zone, so I don't know what season this is. Today is exceptionally colder than usual - I might have to break out the pants and long sleeved shirts, which I packed away 2 months ago cause shorter sleeves and pant legs = less hand washing and less time drying on the line. But maybe since it's colder they won't be outside in the dirt as much and so won't get as dirty. Yay! So tonight Corey is going to Sao Paulo for a BYU meeting thing, we might go with him - it's noon here and we're still not sure if we have a place for me and the kids to stay, so we might just stay here and then he'll drive back tonight with his friends and then we'll all go to Sao Paulo tomorrow to catch our flight to Florianopolis. We are flying in there (only $500 round trip for a family of 7 - it was cheaper to fly than to take the bus, great! Hooray for Gol Airlines!) We are going to be staying an hour-ish north of Florianopolis in Balneário Camboriú at the Costa Sul Beach Hotel, where we'll be able to enjoy the beaches, the local cuisine, and the nightlife. Yes! We hope it's not too cold, cause the kids have been looking forward to the beach, but we might have to forgo splashing in the waves and just play in the dirt. Here's a link to our hotel.
So, that will be fun, we'll try to drop a line or two if we have internet access.
As for life here, Corey tore a ligament by his ankle last Thursday night when he was outside playing with the kids. He's able to hobble around on it though and we are praying for a quick recovery. We went on a date last night, Eliziane watched the kids for us. The temple is closed for 2 weeks for cleaning, so we didn't know what to do with ourselves. We just went to the mall and hobbled around - him with his hurt ankle, me with my aching pregnant hips. I tried to not wobble so much, cause then we'd really look ridiculous holding hands and both limping. We sat on a lounge couch overlooking the food court for a while and just enjoyed the time to sit and talk uninterrupted. After a while, Corey said "Well, it's not the celestial room, but should we say a prayer?" I thought that was funny.
That's all for now, love you all.