Friday, November 23, 2007

Love Those Eyebrows

Don't you just love how babies always look like they are in total amazement? They must feel like they are in over their heads with this whole mortal life thing... maybe feeling like they really weren't given the heads up as to what life would really be like.

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany--

    Hey, this is Lindsay Eyre. I was googling you guys to get your address to send you a christmas card and got this blog. You guys are amazing!!!
    I feel really badly that I haven't gotten back to you after your last Christmas card, we've moved and had some big changes and I haven't been good about Christmas cards for awhile,but this year they are ready and there is one with your name on it!

    Could you email me your address???
    my email is

    thanks so much
