Monday, March 3, 2008

Out of the Office

I haven't been out of the office or sick or anything, just having issues with my computer, which is kinda slow with uploading photos. And I am also a little frustrated cause the photos I have are usually a few months old since I am living in the past with my 35 mm camera. I know, I'm hoping to get digital soon. So as for now, just thought I'd write to anyone who is checking here to see if I've updated anything....I will soon. Grant and I are running the Canyonlands Half Marathon this Saturday, 13.1 miles baby. It's only $5 to switch races and do the 5k, which does sound a little tempting, but I guess we'll just go the distance so that I can say I did it (and don't have to do it again.) Maybe I'll want to do it again? We'll see how much I enjoy the race. I think I will enjoy it - it's straight (no doing or counting laps) and it's outside (no more hours on the treadmill) and I'll have a running buddy! I know I could do a marathon if I wanted, which is what I wanted to find out by doing the half marathon... I know I could do it, I just don't have the time for all this training. I got 6 kids to take care of, so I do believe this will be it for my marathon running days, we'll see. I will still do my Body-for-LIFE 20 minute high intensity cardio runs, and that will be good enough for me. (I recently read of the belief that exercising for more than 20 minutes just damages your body and causes premature again! Ahh! No more training for me!)


  1. Good luck on the run! Have fun and be proud of yourself!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Tiff. I found your blog through Cory's page. Glad to see the fun times are still rolling with the Wride's.

    We lived in SE Virginia just a year ago and are now in Kentucky - not really that far away.

    Jon Ward
