Sunday, July 20, 2008

5 Dangerous Things - # 4

A few weeks ago I watched this video that talks about 5 dangerous things you should let your children do. In case you don't have 10 minutes to watch it, here's a summary:

1) Play with fire
2) Own a Pocketknife
3) Throw a spear
4) Deconstruct an appliances
5) Drive a car

Here are some pics of my kids enjoying doing #4 - using cd player/radio that they broke, (although everyone has denied responsibility for it.)

Melodie did the initial unscrewing and wire clipping

Then the boys moved in for the complete destruction,
and I must say they did an excellent and thorough job.

As a side note, Corey as a computer programmer is always telling me how programming and computers are such proof to him that evolution is false. He talked to the kids about it by asking "Which do you think is more complicated? This radio, or your body?" "Body" is right. Well if people think our bodies just evolved, let's say this radio just evolved - is that possible? If lightning struck some metal or a rock and it was given enough time over millions of years, it could make something like this, right?
I highly doubt it. There needs to be a creator, a plan, and execution of that plan by the creator. That is how we were made to. There is a God, he is the Creator, he made this world and all the miraculous things in it, including each of us.


  1. I want to do this! Not so much the spear throwing yet... and driving a car... and the pocket knife but, I hope that I can have fun with the kids disassembling an appliance (of my choosing) :)

  2. What a good mommy! I love that you let them take this apart and learn about its innards.

  3. haha ... so cool... you have a beautiful family
