Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mount Timpanogos

A picture of Mt. Timpanogos from the Alpine Basin to the east of it.
On Saturday August 30th I woke up at 4:30 and got ready to head to Utah County with a group of church friends. Ready to go on a hike? How about 7 miles up and 7 miles back down? Yes, this is going to be an all day event. We started the trail at 6:45 a.m and it was beautiful, I can't even begin to describe it, so here's a few pictures. It was beautiful. We reached the peak at 11:45. It was amazing to be up so high (11,441 feet) and to see all of Utah County and Utah Lake to the west, the Bingham Copper mine up North, and to the East I could see Jordanelle, Deer Creek Reservoir, Heber, what an amazing panoramic view. It's also amazing to hike that and see how much depth there is to that mountain that looks relatively two dimensional. It looks like a tent from the valley, wide coming up to the tip then going down, but there's so much depth to it, so many different peaks, there's a huge basin behind it that we climbed through, it was amazing. Shannon hikes it every year and I hope to join her in that annual tradition if we stay in Utah. Laura came, she did awesome, but her shoes weren't that good, so she slipped a few times and her ankles gave way on the way down her knee got pretty scratched and looks bad to me, but she said it doesn't hurt. She's a trooper. On the way down, wanting to try and make it a little bit of a pleasant experience for her, I decided to run the rest of the trail down and go get the car - we had to park a mile up the Alpine loop road cause the parking lot was full. The attendants at the gate for access to the canyon seemed a little too eager to tell us when we pulled up at 6:00 that the parking lot had been full since 4:30. Show offs. They were trying to make us feel bad - here we had tried to get a head start on the day and everyone else beat us to it. So we had a mile walk back to the car after we finished hiking down the trail. We were all ready to be done. I reached the bottom at 3:45, so it was 4 hours down. Pretty good time - 14 miles in 9 hours.
So that was my first time up Mount Timpanogos, loved it.

A picture of our Group in the Saddle.
Looking West down at Utah County
My first time ever seeing mountain Goats!
Me on top of the world


  1. Wow! That's quite amazing! Great job and great adventure!

  2. Way to go, Hermana! Next time I'll join you!
