Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Scrapbooking Brazil

3 miles of beach with the city looking on and a rainforest preservation at each end of the bay.

How you travel with kids in Brazil! Hop in the back!

I still only do hands on scrapbooking, although today I did peek at Scrapblog to see some of the possibilities for digital scrapbooking - pretty cool. But I was at my table this last week catching up as always with preserving family memories of BYU, Virginia, and Brazil, and remembered how we didn't get many pictures of our week vacation in Brazil to Balneario Cambouriu cause my camera was out of film, and that was quite tragic cause Cambouriu was the absolute highlite of our 4 months in Brazil. Two friends of ours, Jeff and Casey, stopped by in Cambouriu on their tour of South America, and many thanks to them for catching a few pictures of us and the city and sharing them with me:

Enjoying some pao bread at a boardwalk cafe.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing experience for your family! You were so brave and serendipitous to do it! I love it! And the pictures from Abigail's first birthday are so cute...doesn't the time fly? She looks like a sweet little girl! And your Timp pics are great too. I've actually never hiked to the top, although Adam has a couple of times, I would love to sometime.
