Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kid's Job Chart

This weekend I made what I humbly believe is my best kid's chore chart yet. It includes 3 simple Daily chores for the kids:

1) Clean Rooom
2) Do Homework and Read
3) Clean their Zone

Numbers 1 and 2 are simple enough. For #3, I drew a map of our home and color coded each area (I've got 6 kids, so I made up 6 zones, adjust for your household size accordingly).

Each kid rotate turns having each assigned area/zone for one week, shown here on this chart with all the above zone colors and a rotating center wheel in the middle with the kids faces on it:

Green Zone (3) - BATHROOMS
Purple Zone (5) - TOY ROOMS
White Zone (6) - SPECIAL HELPER - just to do whatever jobs I need help with until I feel they've done enough work. This started being a "free week" but the kids wouldn't do ANYTHING, claiming it's their free week, so I said "OK! We'll scratch that then!"

I haven't done it yet, but I might make a colored paper for each zone that will list the jobs for that area, something like this:

Daily: clear and wipe counter
sweep and clean floor
wipe toilet seat with disinfectant wipe
clean mirror
empty garbage
Weekly: Clean Toilet bowl

It's been working great so far! Our house is looking really clean, the kids are doing great, I think it helps them to be able to see what is expected of them everyday. It helps to cut out a lot of complaining from them and a lot of nagging from me.


  1. This is a great idea Tiffanie! Thanks so much for sharing it. Your blog is super cute too - you are wonder woman.

  2. That rocks Tiffanie! I will definitely have to incorporate this idea into our system (which is severely lacking). Thanks for sharing your fab idea!

  3. Wow, you're on top of it. I remember several years ago at wyview when at a RS meeting (enrichment night, I think) anyway. Someone made a comment about how they knew someone that vacuumed every day, and that made them feel bad until they realized they didn't have to do it all. Your response what that you vacuumed twice a day, out of necessity, not luxury!

    Well, update to let us know how the kids like it. . . I think if my mom did that growning up (and there was only 3 of us) that there would have been a bloody rebellion. I'm holding out hope for my kids. . . time will tell.
    Good luck!

  4. Way to go. I started a job chart about 2 months ago to get Conner motivated. He is our "lazy" child. If he does 5 chores than he gets to choose a reward, which most often is playing games on the computer or watching a show for 30 minutes. It has totally helped Conner. Most mornings he wakes up and is ready to get to work. Sam didn't need the incentive. He likes to help clean without being asked. Getting a reward, his choice is usually a treat, is just a bonus. I can't wait until my kids are a little older and can really help out. The best I get is Conner does vaccuum and wash windows and put the dishes and silverware away and set the table. I hope you post about the Disneyland trip. I heard from Neil ya'll had a great time and I would love to know how you did it for so cheap! That's awesome.

  5. Thanks so much for sharing your idea AND blog with me. I'm excited to start something like it of my own! Look out kids, FHE this week will bring a surprise! HA HA. Congradulations on the new baby. When are you due? We miss you guys. My kids talk about yours often, and I miss the babysitting swap! There are not a lot of us with 6 kids and no one old enough to babysit yet. Oh well, that will come soon enough. Take care and keep in touch!

  6. Look at you go supermom!! Call me, because I lost your number.
