Friday, January 9, 2009

Pregnancy and Lost Camera

We are expecting again - baby #7 will be here the beginning of July (I'm going to catch up with my mom!). I was basically out on the couch the entire month of November and the first half of December, then spent the next week trying to get ready for Christmas, which I did a pretty pathetic job of. So I'm pregnant and also lost my camera - those are my two excuses for not having posted anything for over a month. But thank you to Patrice for asking me to post and getting me to do what I've been meaning to do. I also haven't written in my journal for over a month - posterity will look back and wonder why Christmas 2008 went undocumented. I didn't even take pictures. But with the first trimester done I am almost back up to functioning mode and hope to have a great 2nd trimester before my big belly 3rd trimester makes me of no use during the last 3 months. I really don't enjoy being pregnant, but if I can endure this short time (in the eternal scheme of things) of discomfort, I'll have a precious soul to enjoy and love for forever. It is worth it.


  1. Congratulations!

    I hope your camera turns up. Yesterday, the police brought my wallet that was taken over two years ago. They said that someone found it in their dryer hose. . .
    you never know where something will turn up!

  2. In need of a camera? I think I have an extra one! I can check...

  3. So very worth it! How wonderful! Congratulations, but sorry about the camera! I've missed your posting, glad you are back in the swing of things!

  4. It's so hard to start when you stop just like exercising is for me. I was so good for two weeks then I missed three days and Neil kept asking did you exercise today, nope so here I am finally back on the bike after about a 5 day break.

  5. Great to see a post, Hermana! I am with you 100% - don't enjoy pregnancy but want to LOVE and cherish the soul for eternity!
