Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Love Abi!!!

Abigail is so cute. It's amazing how observant she is. I got a haircut last week, I've needed one for a while - just way too many split ends. I must have been sitting on the couch picking my split ends a lot, cause occassionally I'd hold Abigail on my lap, and she'd take a handful of my hair, then divide it once, twice, then pull out a strand and look at me with a mischievious smile. The first few times I didn't know what she was doing, then I realized she was imitating me picking my split ends - way funny I thought - what a smarty pants! (and time for me to get a new hobby! What a waste of time!)

Also, she's naturally taking to learning how to be a future mother. She'll walk around with empty bowls with spoons and mixes her invisible batter - a future cook! Several weeks ago, she spilled some yogurt on the kitchen floor and then washed it up with her empty hand (aka spreading it around on the floor). I got a washcloth to wipe it up, which she took from me then she got on her hands and knees and wiped it up herself - she looked like a little cinderella, it was so cute. All the kids were watching her with me and laughing, we all love Abi. After wiping most of it up, she walked over to the garbage and shook it out over the trash - something I never noticed I do when I wipe up the tables. Again, it's fun to learn again how observant kids are!

I take way too many pictures with the digital camera - I took like 20 of her in the tub this day, she was just so darned cute. It's fun to be smitten. She's cute when she's clean or when she's dirty!
In California when I spent the day at Disneyland with the older kids, while we were on the Riverboat ride I scrolled through the pictures I'd taken of us during our day, when I scrolled back too far and saw these pictures of Abi. I called Joe over to show him, then Mel and Ethan came too, and we all laughed as we looked at all the pictures and thought of how we missed Abi and were so excited to see her little face again that night.

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