Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sleeping on the Floor

A pic from 2007 of Wes sleeping with Joe. Joe's not in the trundle right now - that's Wesley's spot - but Wes still likes to get in whichever bed Joe is in. He loves his big brother.

It's midnight right now, I am writing in my journal, and finally figured I'd go wake up Corey who never came up from putting the kids to bed downstairs. I go into the boys room to find only one boy in a bed (Ethan, the wise child) and find Corey, Abi, Mel (I didn't see Mel sneek downstairs...) Joe, Hyrum, and Wesley all asleep on top of each other on the floor, with a few pillows and blankets thrown in the mix. It was precious, I took some pictures, but my camera and I have issues, so I'll have to upload those later, but it was really cute and funny. 8 beds in the house (not to mention lots of couches if needed) and I've got a husband and 5 kids sleeping on the basement floor. Joe had his arm around Abi, and Abi had her face flat down in the carpet. (I don't know how she breathes like that...) Time to go put them away.


  1. Hey Tiff - Hope you don't mind that I found your blog off Jerusha's site. Anyway, I just have to say that I LOVE IT. And if it's okay with you I will definitley be checking back for more great ideas. Congrats on baby #7! You are one amazing mom. One question do you scrapbook 30min everyday?
