Sunday, May 24, 2009

Divine '09 Video from FYM

Here's a great VIDEO from Holly Rigsby - quick workout that is intense. I didn't do this whole workout right now, being large with child, but I'm excited to put it to work in a few months.

Also, I agree with this BLOG POST that more cardio doesn't bring more results. I thought doing a half marathon last year would just melt away my baby weight. Although I did tone up a little, my weight remained the same, and even being a little leaner I still had 10 pounds to loose. After the half marathon I started going to cycling classes 3 times a week, those classes were an hour and 15 minutes long at 5:15 in the morning. That too didn't make me loose the weight. I believe in the FYM system, of doing short and intense sessions of cardio and in doing full body weight resistance. I know it's possible to get our bodies back to normal after pregnancy.

So the competition with myself is still on - after the baby's born, I'm gonna kick it in high gear and loose the baby belly and am going to be a size 6 and 130 lbs by December. Right now I'm at 174, and hope I can keep it there for the next month!

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