Friday, June 26, 2009

Announcing... The Baby that doesn't have a name yet

She weighs 5 lbs, 13 oz and is 18 inches long. All of our other kids have been 7 or 8 lbs at birth, and when I'd see them I was always surprised - couldn't believe how I forgot how small newborns are. So with this peanut even more, she really looks small. Her head is about the size of my fist! Within an hour of coming home from the hospital, we had all the neighborhood kids over to take a peek -
Six of the neighborhood kids and a few of my own surrounding my bed to see our tiny princess.

She's awake! A picture at the hospital.


  1. Congrats! She-who-has-no-name is BEUTIFUL!! You are wonder woman!

  2. Oh what a JOY! I am so happy for you and your darling family! What a beautiful and tiny little girl. There is nothing like a newborn baby! It's like a little bit of heaven on earth! I can't wait to meet her and all of your family!

  3. She looks so much like a Wride. What a bundle. Jayden was 5 lbs 15 oz when he was born, and it was amazing to see how small he was. Take lots of "small" pictures because she'll grow fast! And you need to post more pictures too.
