Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hibbert Family trip to Yellowstone

My Dad took this cute picture of my kiddies by the Idaho Falls. Abi loves her baby. I have three kids with new glasses that have transition lenses - they think they are pretty cool, but I need to have normal pairs on hand for outside photo shots.

My parent's met in Yellowstone, so it's always been considered a place of our Hibbert family's history and beginnings. We went up there often for family trips when I was a kid. This is the first time my kids have been up there. Last time Corey and I went was 10 years ago. It was fun for all the cousins to be there together. We stayed at a cabin in Island Park called "The Gathering Place" that was so fun - all the big kids slept in bunk beds in a room together, and then all the adults with their respective toddlers got their own room.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how much your kids are growing up! How fun that you went to Yellowstone. I miss the Rocky Mountains!
