Saturday, July 4, 2009

Snot Nosed Kid

Corey loves Abi. Abi loves Corey. She even sweetly and willingly shared her candy sucker with him! Although I don't know that I'd want to share a sucker with a snot-nosed kid... But you're cute Abi. And you can see it a little in this picture here... I have been watching her carefully lately, and several times I've noticed that her right eye wanders in and she crosses her eyes. Looks like we might have another kid in glasses soon. I'll keep watching it, and will probably take her in to see the eye doctor if it continues. We'll see if anything comes of it. She'd look cute in glasses though! I remember when Hyrum got glasses when he was a year old. Way cute. With toddlers the trick is teaching them to keep the glasses on. I think Abi would do good though.

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