Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Best $50 Bucks We've Ever Spent

I bought this trampoline off of Craigslist last summer, and I must say that we have definitely gotten the best bang for our buck with it. They asked for $75 but took $50. It has a few small holes and this summer we replaced about 20 of the springs, but still, it's been a great deal plus we've gotten hours of kid entertainment and exercise time = parent free time. ...More free time for me than for Corey - they love for him to jump on the tram with them.

It makes for a crowded play space, but the kids don't seem to mind. Although Corey gets a little squished. :)

1 comment:

  1. It's fun reading all these posts and catching up on you guys! We love our tramp too. It's really a very nice little investment!
