Monday, August 31, 2009

What a Funny Kid

When we were up at Park City at the end of July, the kids did a lot of swimming. Here is a picture of Hyrum in his full swimming glory. I made him stay in his outfit while I ran to the room to get my camera - he looked so funny walking out of the pool. Other guest at the hotel were all looking at him and laughing. He was staggered slowly through the gate, dragging his flippers and letting them slap the cement. His arms dangled at his side with the drooping towel hanging over them. With the snorkel still in his mouth but goggles pushed up on his forhead, his little crossed eyes gave fellow passer-bys an exhausted glance that made them laugh. Hyrum's such a funny awkward kid sometimes, and he doesn't mind at all. We love him.

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