Thursday, September 3, 2009

Rail Trail Bike Ride

Our Church ward has a yearly activity where they ride the Rail Trail from Park City to Wanship - a 14.5 mile bike ride. None of us went last year, but this year we decided to join the fun. Joe is the only one who rode the trail. The rest of us just joined up with everyone afterwards at a park in Wanship for dinner. It was a lot of fun. It was a great small town park.

And here you can see Abi BEFORE dinner...
And AFTER dinner (as we were loading into the car. It was all dark, so I couldn't see how messy she was but I could feel it on her hands and see a little dark on her face, I took the picture to see, and when I showed the kids we all laughed at how she looked....

Messy Messy!

And we have a such a great ward, too. We feel so lucky to live in this area and neighborhood. It's great.

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