Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Has Anyone Seen Wesley?

This is unfortunately starting to happen a bit to regularly around here. Last week: Dinner was done, the kids were playing or doing homework, when I notice that I haven't seen Wesley running by for an hour or so. I walked around the house, looked in all the rooms and closets, called his name, and couldn't find him. I stop the other kids with what they are doing "We need to find Wesley - GO!" And off they went to scour the house again. I however had to go change Abi's diaper. Lucky for us, the diapers had been left on the floor next to the desk where I went to pick them up and lo and behold, there was Wes asleep under the desk. I called off the search and rescue party and we all resumed our activities.

Today, I'm looking for Wes. It was only 11:30 in the afternoon - way early for a nap, and I hadn't heard the door open at all (we have a little alarm that beeps if a door to the outside gets opened.) Still, I had been nursing Lilian in the back room with the fan on (for white noise), so maybe I hadn't heard it. I walked around the house, called his name, nothing. I called Quinn's house, Brian's house, and Stewart's house - none of their mom's had seen Wes. So I did my 4th look through of the house, this time instead of yelling to wake him up or scare him out of hiding, I just listened, and sure enough, in the room by the kitchen, I heard a soft breathing. The couch appeared to have been pushed out from the wall a little bit, I peek around, and there he is asleep.

...I called the neighbors to let them know I'd located him. I need to get a gps on this kid.

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