Friday, January 29, 2010

Butter on the Couch

It's 9:00 at night. The kids are downstairs trying to beat the monster castle of Bowser in world 8 of Super Mario Brothers. While most of them are down there, I was nursing Lily and Corey was working... all was calm, all was bright. Unbeknowst to us, Abi had two cubes of butter, playing with it like playdoh on the couch. We had finished dinner, the kitchen was all clean, and with the other kids downstairs playing, I am pondering to myself why these little ones always find a way to cause mischief. Silly kids. So I just finished scrubbing two sofa seats. Luckily none of it got on the carpet. (Or maybe I just haven't found that little corner yet...) It definitely could have been much worse. We'll see after they dry if there are grease stains... They were couches that were given to us though. Glad we have hand me downs for the kids to ruin instead of nice stuff. :)


  1. These are definitely the years of hand me down furniture or at best furniture from the cheap stores! If it's not food stains, it's spit up or boogers or some other yucky thing! But we wouldn't trade it a bit, would we?! :).

    Hope you got the mice taken care of! Yipes!

  2. Hey Tiff, Steph just beat that castle level with the kids she nannies for...took four hours! Hope everything is going well. ps, when you guys coming out to Orlando? Love and miss you guys!

  3. I'm glad you were able to take that in stride. It's nice to know we can just look at our furniture and carpeting and walls and all as just STUFF that can be replaced and doesn't need freaked out over. Good job! Way to be a great mom.
