Thursday, April 15, 2010

Melodie and Kacey

Well, I uploaded pictures from my camera! We'll start with a story from Melodie's birthday in December 2009. First, some background...

Our family's first encounter with Webkinz came one day, I think in 2007, when Melodie came home from a friend's house - they had gone to the store together and she had bought a Lil' Kinz white rabbit. Her name was Kacey. Melodie and Kacey had something special. We could all see that. She was Melodie's pet. Kacey came with us everywhere, from trips to the store, a hike to Timpanogos Cave (above), to the Dinosaur Museum, and Kacey also waited in the car until church was over. For a time, I also was asked daily by Melodie to assist Kacey in waving to her as she passed by our house in the bus on her way to school, and then post Kacey in the window to wait for Melodie's return. It was really cute. They had something special.

Then, in June 2009, during the week in Park City with Corey's family, one day Kacey was left by the swimming pool and was never seen again. Nothing at the lost and found. Nothing turned in during the following weeks when we called to the resort. Melodie was heartbroken. We could all feel her pain. I went to Hallmark and fye to see if I could find another little white rabbit for Melodie. They told me I'd have to wait until Easter when they get shipments of white rabbits. Still, I kept checking the stores when I was in the area. I found one in November 2009, just in time to present to her on her birthday December 12. I was so excited to see her face. And I was so excited to have caught a picture that captured the moment.
Melodie is convinced that it is the same Kacey, cause it looks just like her, even the slightly offline level of the eyes. (I had a good eye when I was looking at the rabbits :) ... I got to know Kacey too.) Melodie says Kacey was found by someone and sent back to the Webkinz factory where she was washed and repackaged. It's nice to have Kacey back in the family.


  1. Looks like you and Corey have another child to look after, especially if Kacey tags along on family vacations. Did you know that you actually have eight children?

  2. ps. that pic of Melodie and Kacey's reunion is priceless.
