Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Food Nanny

In April, the Food Nanny came and spoke at a Relief Society Meeting in our Stake, and my life has not been the same since. I've now organized my dinners, menus, and shopping around her how-tos. Here is her website, and her two week menu planner. I've also organized all my used to be loose recipies neatly in a binder with pocket tabs that are labeled like her book is organized.

I bought her book that night, and highly recommend it if you struggle with dinner. At the meeting, she spoke some things that I needed to hear, saying "Whether we want to believe it or not, we (women/mothers) own dinner." I've known that but not wanted to believe it for a long time. It's been Corey's consistent request that we have sit down meals an that I make dinner. So, I'm doing it now and have been pretty consistent for the past 2 months, and that feels good! I'm learning how to cook! Here we are on a Saturday morning enjoying some pancakes with the Food Nanny's recommended accessories. The kids had fun, and I loved it too.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. My day goes so much better when I've read my scriptures first thing in the morning and when I know what I'm making for dinner that night. When those two things are accomplished there is a lot less stress. I love cooking for my family. I just can't wait until they get older and actually appreciate it. I'm just glad that they don't complain much and eat practically everything I make. Cute pancakes Melody!
