Wednesday, May 5, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

So this is over a month late, but here's some pictures of our St. Patrick's Day happenings...

Joseph is learning how to cook

and made some Green Puffy Pancakes for the kids

Wesley in his green clothes - aka Peter Pan.

Wes and Mel enjoying their Pancakes out side in the back.

One funny thing about the morning of St. Patrick's Day - See those tights above that Wes is wearing? When Hyrum came up for breakfast in the clothes he was going to wear to school, I had to try not to laugh... he wanted to wear the green Peter Pan tight pants to school, which were funny because a) they are tights b) they are really tight tights on him vs. how they look on the small kids that are supposed to wear them c) they were floods

It took a good ten minutes to convince him that it was not a good idea, that ALL of your clothes don't have to be green on St. Partick's Day, and if he wore them to school kids would probably laugh at him so if he wouldn't like that to happen, it would be best to ditch the Peter Pan Pants. I love my kids.

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