Sunday, August 22, 2010

Packing and Moving out - 3 weeks till departure

SO... I'm recommitting myself to blogging. I thought I'd start blogging for you all to know what happens to us in Costa Rica, but I guess I should prep myself a little by warming up my keypad and typing fingers before we go. So here I am, our house is in slight chaos, but better today than it was a week ago. Big THANK YOU to my dear mother and sis who helped me out Saturday - Mom was a good drill sergeant and kept us (me and Beka) working past lunchtime, which was when I thought Mom had to go back to work. No such luck, and after two loads to storage Corey has officially declared my packing "ahead of schedule" since we now have no table for dinner or beds for the kids. But atleast there are mattresses on the floor. And look at how lonely Lily's crib looks in her bedroom, so sad -

I put her in the crib to try and get a picture of her little sad head peeking over the side, but her mourning was too great and she couldn't bring herself to stand so you can barely see her hunched over in there. I might roll her into the big basement room with the rest of the crew but for now it will be quieter for her to be in here alone. So sad.

So we worked until 4 and cleared out almost all of the basement except two couches and the big playhouse thing. Lots of furniture is gone - we're doing what we did last time and selling a lot on craigslist. I like it. It feels good to get rid of stuff, I don't know why. I've taken 8 bins to the DI and got $50+ from my donations to Kid to Kid. My moving goal this week - Get the "Sorting Room" all sorted, packed, and taped up.

The kids have been playing and playing and playing Legos - I think we're on the 6th straight week. I don't think they've played with friends hardly at all. They are building amazing creations...

And since it's Sunday, the "Lego Master" a.k.a. Corey, is joining in the fun. Legos are going to be the last toy packed. They keep the kids occupied, except for the youngest two, which are making my chaos more chaotic.

This week's Exercise goals: Do it everyday in the mornings at 6:30. I'm going to enjoy these last few weeks with wonderful friends and enjoying this beautiful community we live in. I would not at all be against moving back to this area.

1 comment:

  1. The Legos made your house look messier, but they were a great strategy in keeping the kids occupied while you pack your stuff. Selling most of your furniture is an easy and practical method to ease up your moving process. You’ll be rid of your stuff and earn something at the same time, so it’s a win-win! Anyway, I hope the moving process went fine. Have a nice day!

    Clay Delgado @ World Packaging
