Sunday, August 22, 2010

Park City 2010

Abi found a paint brush and spent a good half hour painting the edges of the pool with water, and she loved it!

We go to Park City the first week of August every year with Corey's family. Of course there was lots of swimming...

Joe enjoying his exclusive rights to the coveted nose plug

We spent lots of time in the "Mine Shaft" playroom, which was Lily's favorite place to hang...

Lily and Melodie

And this, for the first time, we bought an all day mountain Pass for the older kids (and me too!) which allowed for lots of rides down the Alpine slide - I'd by the passenger ride and take one of the young kids with me who were to young to ride alone...

Abi and Me on the Alpine Slide, she loved it!

Ethan and Joe got to do the jumping on the trampoline for the first time, they were excited. But Ethan confessed after that it wasn't as fun as it looked.... they kept the bungees so tight that he was just suspended in the air and really could hardly get any weight on the trampoline to get much of a good bounce.

And one of the highlights this year was that Mr. Wride rented a boat at Jordanelle.

They enjoyed the beach too.

Abi sporting her shades

Corey's favorite part - seeing their little heads bobbing with the waves behind the boat...

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