Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Boogie Boarding

We went to Tamarindo Beach on Monday to visit some new friends from church. They have a boy Wesley age and one a little younger than Hyrum. They shared their boogie boards with Wes and Hyrum, and those two kids picked it up real quick and did awesome. The above shot was my favorite of the two of them. I thought Wes looked like a real pro who had been at the waves for years with that little board on his head. Isn't that cute?

Here are some other shots I got:

Hyrum riding the wave and an upclose shot.

Wesley taking some in, then heading back out for another go.

Taking turns.

Next time, Hyrum's eager to try it standing - let's go surfing!


  1. Soooooo fun! Costa Rica agrees with you all!

  2. kids boogie boarding is the best! Conner just said, "Now, I think that's fun!"
