Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brasilito Beach

Good, not too dirty yet...

Oh, here we go. Yeah, sit in the wet dirt...

Just roll around in it, get it everywhere you can.

Dirty. Dirty, but happy.

Just look at that smile. Saying cheese for the camera of course, but she was thoroughly enjoying herself. Something about the texture of sand that she just loves. I stayed clean until I dropped my pant legs to grab Lily and save her from getting an approaching wave in the face.

Shirley said we should get Lily out of the sun. Yes, once again I forgot the sunblock. She is a more responsible maid than I am mother. Lily had fun bouncing on the beach ball in the shade. Everyone was SOOO dirty, there's still a ton of sand in the car. Gotta clean that up and figure out a way to go play at the beach again without a complete repeat of the mess.

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