Sunday, September 19, 2010

Church and a Downpoor

We went to Church today. I was excited to meet members of the Church and have instant friends. And guess what! We found out that there are other people like us! There are two families here, one with 3 kids, one with 5 kids, both of the guys work from home and thought it'd be a good experience for their kids to live abroad. That's the problem with those returned missionaries... you give 'em a taste of the world outside and then it's hard to domesticate them. I didn't get to visit with the wives, but am excited to later. I want to know how they got conned into their situations. ;)

Church was good, my ears are still adjusting to Spanish, and during the 3rd hour my brain was tired of working and I didn't understand too much. About that time a huge rainstorm started. It was really loud. Then I wasn't thinking Spanish cause all I could think about was if Abi's window was closed. It had been left down overnight during a rainstorm, and we got reprimanded by Corey for the error which left the back seat soaked. When I got out of my class, I told Corey it might be down. "Want me to go check?" Nod. So he did. And it was. Same window down, same seat soaked again. Corey was soaked too - he was out there for 30 seconds, and his shirt and half of his pants in this picture are drenched.

(Corey, talking to the Grandma and Grandpa of the family of 5 kids - Gma and Gpa came for a visit.)

So, we all watched the rain...

....and waited in the hall for the rain to stop.

and it didn't.

The lightning was awesome - a few of them hit really close and made for really loud and quick thunder claps, or is it lightning cracks? The girls screamed, Abi followed along.

The boys thought it was cool.

After 45 minutes, we decided to take our chances with the umbrella, lent to us by a loving missionario.

The flooded lawn.

And flooded streets.

This is how wet my carload of kids got with an umbrella.

Lily had never experienced anything quite like it.

See you next week, Santa Cruz! I followed Corey (we're renting two cars)

It stopped raining during the 30 minute drive home.

On the shopping list this week: Umbrellas.
(It is the rainy season you know.)


  1. 30 minute drive home? Hope gas doesn't follow the high cost of living trend that the food does. I can't wait to hear the stories of those other families kind of doing the same thing.

  2. Wow I love rain storms like that one! I am so glad you are all safe and sound. Maybe just buy a large tarp or sheet of plastic to go over the whole family.

  3. Come on Neil. Outside of Utah, people have to drive more than a few minutes to get to church. Granted, we only have to fuel one car....

    I'd love to experience a tropical rain and thunder storm. Reading through your posts makes me want to go about the world, but reality keeps me VERY grounded. Some day.
