Friday, September 17, 2010

Costa Rica Dogs

The kids have plenty of canine company while we're away from Chloe, and there are many dogs to choose from. There's the golden retriever (lab?) that sleeps on our front door step (he went swimming with the kids today). He's Wesley's favorite. There's the, what is this dog, a boxer? Who am I kidding, I don't know dog breeds. Help me out Ilene :) There's this dog, and I feel bad for this poor guy. He is super thin and has got a lame back left leg which you can kinda see here when he took a drink from our pool this evening.

Probably not the healthiest water for him to drink. There are a few others, but I haven't gotten pictures of them yet. I want to leave food out cause I feel bad for him, but at the same time don't want him totally hanging around waiting to be fed. Any advice?

I'm really glad Hyrum got over his fear of dogs or we'd be having lots of drama. As it is, tucking his arms as close to his body as possible is all that he does.

No screaming or loosing control, he's doing great. It's not even an issue. Good job, buddy.

1 comment:

  1. she looks just like the dog we used to have. I am no dog expert either, but she looks like some sort of mastiff. a bull mastiff is what we had.
