Thursday, September 9, 2010

Howler Monkeys

Well, Beka and Mom are here helping me clean again. Who am I kidding... they are cleaning while I'm wasting time on the computer. Anyway, I think the internet is going to be shut off tomorrow, so I thought I'd do a last post. Beka came over and saw me at the computer and read my last post which ended with a picture of a Howler monkey and me commenting that it kinda freaked me out. So, ever the computer savvy one, she said we should check them out on youtube. Duh, why didn't I think of that. And so we did, HERE they are for you to see, and now I'm thinking they might be one of the rude awakenings in CR. Apparently, according to this little National Geographic TV spot, they are the loudest land animal. Hope we're able to sleep at night, and hope they don't freak out the kids.

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