Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Think I See A Monkey!

We set expectations pretty high with the kids about all the monkeys we were going to see in Costa Rica. Needless to say, they have been a little disappointed that there haven't been any here in our neighborhood, and we haven't seen any as we've been driving around either, except one dead on the side of the road.

Well today was our lucky day, cause we saw two monkeys. Corey spotted them first from our bedroom. Some of the kids were in with us, the others all came running in to see, then outside to try and see better. This is what we saw:

Isn't that amazing!!!! WOW!!! Two little black dots! Kids: "Where?" Right there and right there! Can you see them? "Where?" Right... there! Blank stares. One at a time we tried to align our finger with their point of vision. "Oh! I see them!" No way to know for 100% sure, but we are positive they were monkeys. They moved, grabbed stuff, and Ethan and Mel said they saw a tail.

Some better pictures as close as my camera would zoom.

Truly a day to be remembered.


  1. did they make that loud noise?

  2. That is just crazy! Looks like you guys are making some awesome memories! :)
