Friday, September 24, 2010

Individual Action Shots

Continuing our photo session, the kids wanted to capture their individual glory, so Joe was kind enough to lend his nose plugs out so the kids could focus their entire concentration on jumping and not have to worry about holding their noses.

Here's Joe doing a karate chop

Mel - V for Victory!

Ethan - He thought his picture was cool, standing on water!

Hyrum - funny little face

and Wesley -

Now this poor little guy had a scare after this jump. With those little arms reaching upward he plunged into the deep end and his floaties slipped right up and off his arms. I snaped the shot, stood up to show him, and there were two floaties floating by and Wes bookin' it with his little arms and feet doggy paddling as best he could. "Ahh!" I screamed, and all the kids came over to help, but Wes did great and made it to the side of the pool all by himself and considerably shaken up. Now we know: a hand plugging a nose equals an arm locking on a floatie.


  1. I love their facial expressions! How fun to have a pool!

  2. That "Funny little face of mine" is going to give me nightmares
