Thursday, September 30, 2010

Refrescos Naturales

Enjoying some special fruit drinks at the Little House of Fish in Brasilito.
Joe trying the Star fruit drink. Kinda tasted like hairspray, but was sweet. Weird description, I know
Tamarindo - it is a kind of root, interesting flavor.

Ethan with the coconut water. Couldn't taste the coconut that well I thought. Speaking of coconut, I miss the coconut popsicles at Costco that they sell in the fluorescent pink box with a little island lady wearing a hula skirt. If you go to Costco, buy them in my place and eat them all, they are yummy, palitos de coco! I miss you!

Hyrum with the "cas" drink. Don't know what that is.

Pina - Pineapple

Cas again - ok, I just googled it - Cas is a drink made from a type of guava called the cas guava.

Lily drank almost all the pineapple drink. Ethan complained it was no fair and told us to stop her. How could we deny those little cheeks nourishment?

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys enjoyed a meal out! Hope you can enjoy General Conference today too!
