Saturday, October 30, 2010

Feliz Dia de los Muertos!

Happy Halloween! So, this is how we've celebrated the day of the dead here in Costa Rica.

During the night, the Great Pumpkin visited and left one of these bags for each of the kids in front of their bedroom doors.

-with a small Lego City toy inside.

We haven't decorated the house at all, but today the kids did draw on brown paper bag lunch sacks to collect their treats in.

As soon as it was dark (6:00) I told the kids to get their costumes on. We had a few costumes on hand that we'd brought when we flew down here. They all got dressed.

Joseph was Tarzan
(he had all of us laughing hard)

Melodie was Little Red Riding Hood

Ethan was a vampire
(that was his costume last year too, he lamented, but don't you think he makes a great one?)

Hyrum was Indiana Jones

Wesley wanted to be Batman, but couldn't find the shirt (I think it's in the dirty laundry somehwere), I told him to just get the mask and cape, but instead he opted to just be "a crazy man".

Abi was a princess (aka herself - that's what she was last year too)

Lily was a baby

I bought 5 different treats at the store - Guayabitas, MnM's, Hershey's Kisses, assorted Hershey's mini bars, and Pringles. and they went trick or treating to Dad in the front room, then to the 4 doors in the hall - master bedroom, Joe & Lily's bedroom, the Laundry room, and the bathroom under the stairs.

The little kids went first as Joe, Mel, Ethan, and Hyrum answered the knocks.
Trick or Treat! Lily didn't have to go door to door - she just got to eat the treats Corey was handing out.

Ethan was so cute - after they knocked, he shouted out in a spooky Halloween voice "Enter ... if you DARE!" and opening the door looked like this:

Isn't he just a cute vampire?

It was fun to see the older kids playing the adult-handing-out-candy roll. After Wes, Abi and Lily go their loot, they didn't want to go hand out treats, so I answered the door and handed out all the treats at one stop. Here they come!

Then we watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, that lucky for us was just starting on cartoon network. We even let them watch it in English. Happy Halloween!

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