Friday, October 1, 2010

Is That Chloe?

At the restaurant there was another couple there who arrived at the same time we did. As they were admiring the kids that kept coming out of our two cars... "Cuantos hay? Seis?" ...our kids were admiring their very cute little 3 month old black lab.

Had more fur and larger ears than Chloe and it was a boy, but still it made them happy to think they were seeing her. Abi and Wes were petting him and tried to feed him rocks while we waited for our food. Silly kids.

1 comment:

  1. Hermana! I'm amazed at your journey! I just sat down and read your last few weeks of fun and am wondering "how do you do it?" How do you leave "home" with 7 kids, pregnant?, and survive in a foreign country? Lucky you get to practice spanish! Other than that, I'm so overwhelmed and admire your spirit of adventure and endurance. What an amazing experience for your family. You'll never ever forget it! I hope you have a wonderful time and feel and have the strength you need in all respects! You're in my prayers! I'm so glad you can blog your adventures! Love, Jolie
