Friday, October 22, 2010

Lily Cheesy Grin and Tamarindo Beach

What a cute little face!! I love those little cheeks.

Ok Joe, let's see your best impersonation of Lily's little grin...

Hmm, his eyes are a little too closed, but let's see if we can find a match...

That one is a good match, no? That was from beach day at Tamarindo that I haven't blogged about yet, from a evening visit last Friday Oct 14th. A few photos of it -

Here Abi was digging a deep hole with her hand in the sand, and Lily joined her, which upset Abi so she moved and started over digging... when all of a sudden a big wave came up and got them in their work. Abi saw it coming and jumped up and high-tailed out of there, not looking where she was going, just getting away from the approaching destructive wave... and she ran right over, rather into Lily, which said little sister got flattened and dunked in the wave, and after we saw that Abi clocked her right in the face with her knee cause Lily got a bloody nose. Poor Lil.

(I wiped it after I got a picture.)

Corey rented a surf board and he went out, then I did, then the kids each had a turn. Ethan is a natural.

Wesley dug in the dirt and made space ships of course...

Melodie made a castle for hermit crabs of course...

Tamarindo is a beach with dirty dirt. The kids were loving it - they'd go get all wet, then hurry over to the dry sand and roll around like a glob of snickerdoodle dough in cinnamon and sugar - getting coated all over. It was funny.

Wesley did it and I laughed when I saw him cause I thought he looked naked.

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