Monday, October 25, 2010

Noche De Hogar

It's Monday night! That means it's time for Family Home Evening. Before we had started, we had a surprise visit from Hermana and Hermano Pina.

They had been meaning to come by sometime over the past few weeks, and finally made it today. She brought over a children's song book in Spanish which will help us greatly with our Spanish lessons, then said they'd like to stay and do a FHE together, cause they get kinda bored with just the two of them :) So our kids were glad to show them how exciting FHE is with 7 kids. Here they are on their chairs

with their cookies for being good waiting for them across the room. That's something Corey does - they each have cookies, if they start being noisy or goofing off, he takes a bite of their cookie. It's very effective.

Except with toddlers around - they go for the goods. As you can see by Lily's messy face, she got her Oreo's early to keep her quiet. She loves Hermana Pina! Hermana Pina is in Primary with us on Sundays and is so nice to take Lily when I'm helping with music.

We sang "Hazme O Padre Saber Perdonar" as our opening song - its' one of the 3 songs the kids know in Spanish, we're going to work on 2 new song this week.
After a lesson by Corey about Nephi breaking his bow and being a good example to his father by still honoring him when he had started to complain against the Lord, we had a closing prayer and decided to play Uno. Hermana Pina said she is la Reina de Uno.

It was cute to see Abi and Wes play. We added in the extra rules like 0 means everyone switch hands, adding draw twos on top of draw twos - someone got a draw 12 that way, and stuff like that. I didn't catch too much of the game cause I was keeping Lily happy. We were very glad for their visit. They are two very strong members of this branch in Santa Cruz.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really know you, but my son sent me a letter where he talked about Noche De Hogar. I was trying to find the translation and found you. Thanks for clearing it up. He is serving in the Santiago North mission, and he says he is now not good at speaking English or Spanish! That is why we have to translate :)
