Sunday, November 28, 2010

We Are A Cyber Family

Corey - Santiago, Chile 10:23 p.m.
(isn't he handsome?)

Tiffanie and kids - Villareal, Costa Rica 7:23 p.m.

Like Plankton of Bikini Bottom, Corey now has a computer wife!

and computer children...

Who miss their daddy...

They want to play with and abuse him! Corey does the best he can as a digital image by coming to eat them...

Let's hear it for Skype and webcams!

It's funny that when we talk to each other with the video, we really don't talk much. Corey put it best, (he usually does, he is so witty) "All this technology so we can sit and stare at each other." Amazing.


  1. Oh cute little Abi makes me so sad. It good to hear that Cory is doing well and you guys are able to get together even if it's over the computer. Maybe that would work for FHE.

  2. What a sad little face. You feel bad but it is so cute at the same time.

  3. I looove that first pic of Lily! So adorable!
