Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Making Dinner" at Home

Lilian loves to jump in the fridge whenever it's open and make it so we can't close it - and she'll get our the little containers of cream cheese and play with them. Oh, and she also is always spilling her cereal then stepping on it on purpose. How rude.

Lily and Abi love grabbing any contained condiments from the fridge and making dinner. They use the garbage pail as their table, a towel for the table cloth, and make stacks of dinner for hours on end.

Lily is taking dinner classes from Abi, although I think her inspiration came from Shirley and she would have been a better teacher. Still, Abi does pretty good. Here they are making bobbed tomatoes in water.

And other times the kids are really lucky and I let them play around with real knives and cut up real remnants of food for practice. One day as I made fries I let the kids help, and after Mel and Ethan were done with the potatoes, I let Wes and Abi work on some onions for fun. They seemed to enjoy themselves.

Corey is good at letting the kids help him when he cooks. I hope that I get better at it, I usually can't relax with letting them make a mess as they figure it out - I struggle when they want to help crack the eggs or scoop up the flour. Haven't done too much baking from scratch here, so I've been doing better since we're usually just chopping and mincing food. It is great to have eager helpers on hand, I need to try harder to take advantage of their willingness while I can!

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