Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Package from Home

Sent from Cottonwood Heights, Utah on Friday, 12 November 2010

Arrived in Huacas, Guanacaste on Tuesday, 23 November 2010. They called me, we went to pick it up, 20 minutes later, the kids were at home with the knife cutting through the packaging tape.

They are very excited to have some Legos! Thank you Mom!

And I was so excited to have Ikea dishes again - I ate a bowl of cereal to celebrate. Love that they are plastic (won't break anymore dishes here), their pretty colors, small size (should save a little $ on the cereal budget), easy to wash, they all fit in the dish drainer, wow! Thanks again Mom, once again I owe her big time. I'll be paying it forward to my kids when I'm the grandma I'm sure.

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