Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pool Time

The kids thought this hot tub was so cool - they pretended they were in Narnia sitting on the four thrones of Cair Paravel -

The water wasn't deep, so Wesley and Abi could both touch and would walk round and round the tub. And it had a bench all the way around the tub too, so Lily also had a place to play. She likes to get in, get out, get in, get out 100 times. Here she is out.

What a happy baby. The two main pools were soooo cold that we spent atleast half of our time in the warm tub even though we are in tropical warm weather. It was cold cold, felt like the waterfall water we went to - you could tolerate it, but first it took your breath away. And I couldn't go in little by little, I had to jump and get it over with. Brrrr! One pool was up high, then there was a waterfall that lead down to the lower pool. The top pool spilled over the stone wall that you can see behind Lily in this picture. Our room is the window in the top right corner of the picture.

We had two room actually - the kids were in that one, Corey and I were in the room right next to it that you can't see cause the palm tree is hiding it. I got good exercise going up the stairs to the 6th floor several times a day.

Saying Cheese and flaring her little nostrils, what a goof.

I made Wes, Abi, and Lily pose for a photo for me. Wesley enjoying the nice tropical weather, with a bonk on his forehead from jumping into the shallow pool water. I told him to not jump, but he insisted he would be careful, then he banged it good right on a spot where he got stitches a little over a year ago. Made me nervous, but luckily it held together.

Glad he enjoyed himself.

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