Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Samara Beach

Today we went to Samara Beach. I'm usually behind the camera, so we grabbed a kid and made him take a picture of the three of us. Hyrum did a great job, don't you think? Centered, positioned well, I was impressed!

Just another day in Costa Rica, where you'll always find young Mormon mother's from Utah!

Bread, PB&J, 8 packages of Pozuelo Cremas cookies, diapers, wipes, folding chairs, um, what else did we pack?

Oh yeah, 19 kids.
It looked like a school class field trip!
I thought it was very funny. Love it.

Kids having a mud-ball fight, since there's no snow.
First Michael (next to Joe) got Ethan...

Then Ethan got Joe

It's Two Face!!

I took lots of pictures, wanted to get some uploaded before I go to bed. I'll post more tomorrow!

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