Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Saturday Drive Back to Guanacaste

Saturday, November 13th

Corey went to the temple in the morning,

We left San Jose around noon.

We drove through the jungles of Central America

Kids slept during the drive until we stopped the car to ask directions and buy oreos.

Lunch at Burger King in Nicoya

We arrived in Santa Cruz at 4, home in Villareal at 4:30

Quickly got everyone ready for a wedding at the church at 5:30 - Corey played some smooth Jazz for the newlyweds.

The babies danced.

After refreshments and cake, we helped clean up and then I noticed all the kids had disappeared... I found them

Happily playing with some cheapo type of Legos that don't really work. It was cute to see them all playing. We've promised them muchos Legos for Christmas in Chile, they are excited. They haven't missed any other toys, but are always wishing they had their Legos. Should be fun! Then they all fell asleep on the drive home. Lily slept in her clothes, then on Sunday morning, woke up, ate, and went to church again. Then we went straight from church to the RMs (Royal & Meyers) house, where we spent the day, then drove home late, Lily fell asleep in the car so she was 48 hours in the same little dress. Kinda funny.

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