Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday Outing

On Saturday we decided to go to the Monkey Park Foundation. It was a short drive there. I had called beforehand to see how much the entrance cost was but no one answered, so after driving there they told us it was $10 a person, including children except Lily, so it would have been $80 to walk around a small zoo of monkeys that had a butterfly garden too. I could have been persuaded I think, but Corey talked to the lady and she wouldn't budge on price, so he said it was not worth it and we left. What to do? Let's go to Brasilito for lunch at Victor's restaurant (he's a member). We waited at the beach while he cooked up our burgers and fries.

I've loved watching Melodie the past few days - she'll take Abi and Lily and go outside and they'll watch the ants. Melodie squats down, then Abi and Lily join her. And I just love to see toddlers squat - maybe it looks so cute cause their legs are so short? Lily can just pop up and down so easily, and her legs seem to disappear sometimes. Anyway, I love it, so when we were at the beach and Mel had called her little sisters over to see a hermit crab, it was a perfect time for a snapshot of my girls.

Then she joined the older kids who were being Monkees as they played with the approaching waves -

Lily liked this dog. I liked it too. I liked his USA bandana. I wonder if he has dreams of living in the promised land. I don't think he'll make it, but hold on to your dreams, dog. It would be worth it if you made it there. I love and miss the blessed US of A. It really is an amazing country.

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