Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day - Joe, Mel, and Ethan slept over at the RMs. I arrived with the other 4 kids around 10:20 - it only took me 50 minutes that time! I'm always timing how long it takes to get to church and to Nicoya. I left at 9, then at 9:13 realized I forgot something, and we were almost done with the dirt road, darn it, but I decided to turn around cause I needed the speakers if everyone was going to be able to hear the Michael Medved Thanksgiving Lecture which Corey insisted we all listen to. So I turned back and there was no complaining from the kids, got back at 9:28, back on the road at 9:29, but I just rounded it to 9:30, and we made it in zippy time to Nicoya. When I got there, the women were still working and cooking many scrumptious dishes.
The kids had had a great sleepover and are ready for another one. They woke up and went swimming first thing

All the kids heading to the pool. Ethan was so proud of himself cause Michael and Joey showed him how to dive off the pool house thing into the pool. And may I say it's a nice looking dive too. I'll try to get that on video for posterity.

Melodie found a little little black snake - looked like a black worm except for the tiny tongue that kept smelling the air. I couldn't see it's eyes it was so small. Cute little thing.

The men grilled up the chicken for the feast. We decided to go with chicken instead of turkey cause they got the turkeys marked up in price big time cause they know we Americans have a holiday to celebrate. So we went with chicken, cause it was less expensive.

Around 3:00 everything was ready to be served, a Thanksgiving feast in a tropical paradise next to the pool with Christmas music playing on the laptop. :)

Thank you Rachael and Melanie for all your hard work!

The toddler table, enjoying chicken, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and green beans. Save room for some pie!
The Meyers twin babies in their chairs eating some green beans, with the older kids group in the background on the pool house which is their diving board.
Hey you guys! How's the grubb?
Abi, la princesa
Up next: After dinner activity (swimming)