Monday, December 13, 2010

Angels In The Air

On our flight to Santiago last week, there were also many wonderful people who showed kindness to us and served us. The kids felt famous. I went to buy a snack, and when I came back the line had formed to board the plane and we had missed our chance to board early as a mother with small children. So we waited, and everyone in the line was looking at and smiling at my cute 7 kids on the floor.

Ethan would ask "Why is everyone staring at us?" and then the rest of my kids look up and see everyone staring, then the look at each other wondering what is going on. I just smiled and continued to answer the questions "Todos suyos?" (All yours?) "Si, siete!" (Yes, Seven!)

Puerta 31 to Santiago, Chile! On the flight to Chile, just like on the hour flight to Panama, there had to be an adult sitting by my children, in case of an emergency, to help them with their oxygen masks. So the stewardesses who were responsible to enforce that rule took care of it by asking other passengers to change seats and switch things around and volunteer to come sit between my kids. I was really glad on the flight from San Jose to Panama, to see Ethan conversing very cutely with Marco in the row in front of me. After some time visiting, he told Marco "You're better at English than I am at Spanish." Marco taught Ethan how to say Salt Lake in Spanish - "Lago Salado". On the flight to Chile, Ethan and Hyrum sat by this sweet guy, who when asked where he was from, teased "from a galaxy far far away" and that just got Eth and Hy both so excited that they were obviously sitting by a Star Wars fan, that they teased and played and were noisy little pests for a few minutes - the guy asked them if they were monsters! He was so sweet though, he even let them sleep on him!! I don't think many grown ups would have tolerated a 6 hour flight like that. And he let me take a picture of it! He definitely wins the angel award and I'll be sure to point out this kindness he showed us on judgement day if he needs any help getting past the pearly gates.

Think he'll ever know that there is this unnamed picture of him posted on the internet somewhere? Ethan and Hyrum were both embarrassed when I showed them this picture. :)


  1. Hi Tiffanie Hibbert! (sorry, you'll always be that to me as Corey is always Wasatch Jr. High student body president, hahah!)
    Anyway, I just clicked in on your blog while I was icing my back (injured it while running) and it was so fun to read up on your adventures. HOly cow - you are really doing it! I can't believe the fun and super invaluable experiences you are having. I only have four kids and so many people can't believe that I travel around with them - but wow - you take the cake at seven kids! It really is fun to read about you and you look so terrific. Seriously! Whatever you are doing, it is working :) And I really like your hair - super cute. Anyway, I'll be sure to click in on your blog more often. It was really fun to read about you and what you are doing. Are we facebook friends? We shoudl be - I'll go check.
    Anyway, I'm taking a blog break for a little while so you won't be able to get me through that. How long do you think you'll be in Chile? I didn't read back that far so if you said so, I missed it. Okay - great job and say hi to Corey for me!!

  2. I bet those angelic people are answers to your parents (in-laws too) and family's prayers. How great to have such people willing to be patient and kind to your kids. I'm glad the flight went as well as it did.
