Saturday, December 18, 2010

Kid's Day

Viña del Mar is a beautiful city. Unfortunately I didn't discover that until Wednesday as we were leaving. That is because I couldn't get my kids to leave the hotel. They loved the Kid's room. And since I let them call the shots, that's what we did. Someday Corey and I will come back here with teenagers or no kids at all and it will be a different experience. Until that day, it is possible that each day and everyday will always be Kid's Day.

So the kids went to the Kid's Room (the Mini Club side)

And they painted

and showed me their painted creations: masks and wands!

And sculpted clay

and drew

(I love seeing Abi at work.)

and climbed, slid, and jumped

We did go outside once while Lily was napping, and the kids had fun in the pool...

but it was a little cold...

Then, after they've spent themselves, it was off to bed again - 5 little monkey sleeping in the bed

two more chose the crib instead.

Joe won tonight's bedtime battle to be with the baby (Joe, you're a little big for this crib, aren't you?) We really did go home on Wednesday, cause we were already pushing our luck with 2 days cause only brought one change of clothes for everyone. Tomorrow is laundry day - I haven't done laundry since Costa Rica.

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