Sunday, December 19, 2010

Up through 1999

For people who are new to this blog and want to get up to speed on why and how we are living life this way, I thought I'd see if I could type it all down for you. Here we go with Part 1:

Briefly - Corey and I are high school sweethearts, kinda. Well, I guess not really. We were friends. But I liked him, a lot. We actually met in 7th grade in Home Ec. I liked him then and through Junior High but he wasn't interested. Later in High School you could say I was obsessed, some could find evidence that I stalked him. I took up the science club, the chess club, and every other club he was involved in to give myself more opportunities to be involved with him in stuff he was involved with. Fast forward to college - we go our separate ways, me to Snow and him to BYU. Now being in the BYU environment of "find your eternal companion" his brain switched from off to on and he began to think about girls, and as he'd meet girls, he'd think of me on occasion and of my fine qualities, then he'd think "I never really 'dated' Tiffanie..." a.k.a. he never gave me a chance to win his affection. So thank goodness for us, email had begun and we were able to write to each other from our respective colleges. And lucky for me, my roommates were from the Utah valley and went home most every weekend, so I'd get a ride to Provo and hang out with him until he went home to Salt Lake, and our courtship began.

Fast forward to Spring 1995 - he's going on a mission to Chile, I'm pretty sure I'm going to go on one too. He never wanted to be a missionary with a girl friend, but I'm just too irresistible and we seal our love with a kiss, a long awaited kiss for me, at 2 a.m. on the morning of February 19. I go home and after briefly looking at a 5 year calendar in my planner and guessing when we'd both be home from our missions, I write in my journal "Corey and I kissed! Yes, we kissed on the lips!!! And I will marry Corey in 4 years on February 19, 1999."

Fast forward 3 1/2 years of letter writing (still in boxes):
- Corey serves a mission in the Chile, Santiago West Mission from June '95 to June '97.
- Tiffanie serves a mission in the Arizona Tempe Mission - Spanish Speaking from May 97 to December 98.

I come home and it's like we'd never been apart. He proposes, I say yes, we're in love, I don't want to wait, February is too long away, who cares what I wrote 4 years ago, let's try January? Nothing works out, the only day that works is Friday, FEBRUARY 19, 1999. And so we are married on the 4 year anniversary of our first kiss. (Now you all say "awww!)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for catching me up! And it was FULL OBSESSION Tiff had on Corey. I remember well all the stories from girl's camp about Corey Wride and seeing Tiffanie Wride written all over the paper tablecloth every day...and college. Yes Corey Wride was nearly another roommate we knew so much about him:) Your journey is fascinating. Keep writing! Your kids are such troopers! It must be inherited! One more question..How long are you there? and my blog is Your kids will be so well rounded by this experience! Good Luck and Merry Christmas!
