Sunday, January 2, 2011

Family History Blogs

The visiting teaching message for this month was on family history. After my visiting teacher friend Gloria left, I started thinking of what family history I can do right now. I don't have access to all my files and papers and books and I'm not sure what ever happened to my pedigree stuff on my computer... Hm. What to do, so then I thought I could start a blog of it, cause I don't have it with me right now, not sure what happened to it. So let's get it online and maybe we'll find other Hibberts out there who can help us. So calling out to all members of Hibbert Headquarters, if you want to contribute, go to the private blog for living members of our family or to the ancestor site which I have since realized was mis-typed when I was putting the name in and it has two h's - hhibbertancestors... sorry. I'll try to change it or start a new one, but since I started two blogs today it won't let me do a third without verifying my account with a phone call, and I don't know how to properly type my Chile cell phone for them, so oh well for now. I'll try again later or tomorrow with that and will see if we can get it right. Or I might call it HibbertAncestry if that's available.

For the private blog I'm going to type birthdays and stuff, but just put what you want. I can add you as an author if I didn't already...

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