Sunday, January 30, 2011

Isla De Maipo

So, yesterday we went on an adventure. We were going to go to Pomaire, but since we were lost for 1 1/2 hours in Maipu (pronounced "my poo" to which my kids giggle everytime we say it) we decided we were good when we arrived at the Isla De Maipo exit. Maipo "my poe" - much better than "my poo".

We drove around the Isla de Maipo lost for a bit looking for some street, then just happened to see two women in skirts riding bicycles. Hooray! Sister missionaries! We pulled over and asked the Hermanas if they knew the street - they did and even gave us a map, which actually had the exact house address on the back of the person we were buscando. We drove straight there, clapped at the fence, Jose was home, and we were all invited in - major invasion of kids. "Tantos ninos! Uno, dos, tres... siete?!?" They were so nice to let us all drop in on them

They remembered Corey well, and quickly brought out a photo they have to remember him, which made us all laugh -

They also had a copy of one of our Christmas / New Years greetings letters that we sent out

Only Joe, Mel and Ethan alive at that time in 2002. The kids always like looking at old pictures of themselves.

Corey lived here with this family during his time in Isla de Maipo. He was only here for a month but said it was a such great pension and he has such great memories of his time here because of this family - they were so kind, he and his companion felt like they really enjoyed having them stay. It's nice to be loved! Especially for missionaries who work hard all day with lots of rejection their pay.

So we had a great visit, the kids fell in love with their dogs - one was a puppy that looks exactly like the Chloe we left 5 months ago.

Abi wanted us to take Chloe home with us.

The kids spent their time exploring their property.

We all went back and saw their lagoon.

Group photo!

Valentina and Lily enjoying some brevas (figs) straight off the tree - I had never eaten a fresh fig before. Have you seen figs? Tasted yummy, looked interesting.

Ethan was lost in play out in the yard and says this is his favorite house in the world. He was totally jealous of the kids' little club house area with the pond/lagoon right behind it and low reaching trees to climb.

He's ready to move in. We were lucky he agreed to come home with us!

So the kids played outside and explored. The adults and toddlers (and Hyrum cause he's afraid of the cat) went back up to the house to visit.

Everyone loves babies!

Lily stole Valentina's teddy bear and high chair.

Of course Abi found the stash of pink girl toys.

She was happily lost in play the whole time.

Hyrum started to relax and enjoy himself a little. Jose brought out toys for him

It was a nice visit. When we headed home, I am glad that Corey realized we were heading toward San Antonion, aka in the wrong direction. We paid the toll to get off, did a U-turn, and paid the toll to get back on. This way to Santiago, much better! Passing Isla de Maipo again. Tolls are worth it for a good road. We were able to drive straight home with zero mistakes, less than an hour. The kids all fell asleep. Much better.

1 comment:

  1. How great to travel memory lane with your family like that. That picture the family had of Corey almost looks like a mug shot with the black plate and white lettering. Keep having fun and recording everything! Your kids are going to love remembering (or being told about what they did) when they were younger.
